Another problem Norway faces — and this what a lot of Americans are afraid of when you start talking about “socialism” or even “social democracies” — is that strong universal benefits, including generous unemployment payments, can diminish the incentive to work hard. ...
Kazin said the socialism most Americans are embracing is what Europeans would call social democracy, a view associated with mainstream parties like the Labour Party in the U.K. and the SPD in Germany. This version, Kazin said, advocates "a much larger welfare state where everyone is pretty mu...
That is in no way the job of the federal government to weigh in on what Americans are saying." "They put it under the guise of fighting misinformation or disinformation." "It's a horrific violation of the First Amendment." "Recent reports indicate that the Biden administration has ...
1) It is nuts that we think it is OK for 8 million Americans to lose their jobs (and far more lose their ability to work full time) and that we think that it makes sense to pay people not to work but is “socialism” to pay them to work during a Great Recession. We need a go...
The early Americans learned their lesson and this led to the principles of freedom and capitalism that made America the envy of the world. Unfortunately, as more and more Americans forget history and start gravitating towards the fantasy of socialism/communism/statism/progressivism, etc., they are...
The Deep State is the federal bureaucracy that creates laws, enforces them, and judges and punishes transgressors, which means it possesses all three powers that are supposed to be separate in America: legislative, executive, and judicial.
Why do Americans, in particular, have such strong feelings for or against milk? And why are there suddenly so many people who are lactose intolerant? How did that come about? Twenty years ago, I never even heard of such a thing. There were people who liked milk and people who didn’t...
According to a Pew poll, 49% of young Americans have a favorable view of socialism. What is socialism? it is a system that leads to mass misery, mass impoverishment, and human slaughter. That's what it means. Yet almost half of the young think it's benign. —David Horowitz ...
身热已退,黄疸减轻,呕吐止,唯胁肋隐痛,脘痞腹胀,食少口干苦,小便赤苔腻,脉弦数。属何证A、湿邪内蕴B、肝胆湿热C、肝脾不调D、脾虚湿滞E、湿热留恋其治法是A、健脾祛湿B、健脾养血C、温中化湿D、清热利湿E、活血化瘀宜选方是A、柴胡疏肝散B、茵陈四苓散C、甘露消毒丹D、茵陈蒿汤E、龙胆泻肝汤 ...
Making sense of Baghdad and the scenario of “ousting the Americans” Communication and War: not just Rojava and why we always forget Syria The Syrian revolution has come to an end. It’s true! But the Syrian Cause has just begun Turkish operation producing more sectarian hatred in Syri...