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PDF with Bookmarks. What am I missing? kelisymons Community Beginner , Feb 11, 2019 Copy link to clipboard I have just switched from FM12 to 19 and now can't seem to generate a PDF with Bookmarks. What am I missing?Views 307 Translate Translate Report Report Reply 1...
20 July, 2009 in math.NT, talk, travel | Tags: prime numbers, randomness, structure | by Terence Tao | 18 comments This week I am in Bremen, where the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad is being held. A number of former Olympians (Béla Bollobás, Tim Gowers, Laci Lovasz, Stas ...
1 June, 2016 in math.PR, math.ST | Tags: grading | by Terence Tao | 80 comments Note: the following is a record of some whimsical mathematical thoughts and computations I had after doing some grading. It is likely that the sort of problems discussed here are in fact well studied in...
But your method has helped as a vehicle of seeing things before, and I am willing to learn. So please go on. Fortune:: Right; so back to business. Nana, that is an interesting point; so you propose to focus on the carry. Let me see. What is \(\overleftarrow{89}+\overleftarrow...
I have 3 euro coins in my pocket, but I don’t know exactly what they are worth. The only thing I am sure about is that none of the coins are worth less than 20 cents since I have put them in my piggy bank. Bearing this in mind, what is the probability of having more than 2...
Due to the problems outlined below, the constructors for ValueConverter that allow conversion of nulls have been marked with [EntityFrameworkInternal] for the EF Core 6.0 release. Using these constructors will now generate a build warning.Value...
I am immensely pleased to announce the release of my latest volume of problems for intermediate and middle school classrooms. More Good Questions: A Year of Open Ended Math Problems for Grades 5-8is exactly that — a series of 220 tasks to inspire thinking, connection-making and reasoning for...
5 March, 2025 at 9:22 am Terence Tao The Kakeya set problem is related to the Kakeya needle problem, but technically the two problems are distinct. The needle problem concerns the problem of trying to rotate a needle of zero thickness in as small a set as possible to cover all orient...