point,butstillIwouldnotstop.Icouldnotgiveup.Therewasalwayssomuchmoretodoandso muchmoreto 10 . Idiscoveredalotaboutmyselfinthosetiringhours.IlearnedthatIwasfartoostubbornto giveup,andIwastooproudtoprovemyselfwrongafterIhadsetanunrealisticgoal.Evenwith physicalpainandmentalstress,Iforcedmyselftomeetmy 11 ...
What Kind of Afterlife Are You Destined For? Quiz What Kind of Afterlife Are You Destined For? Quiz Everything You Need To Know About Existentialism Everything You Need To Know About Existentialism Featured Quizzes Am I Pretty, Cute, Or Beautiful? Unlock Your Beauty Potential Am I Pretty,...
From secure to fearful-avoidant, take this two-minute quiz to discover your true attachment style (aka. how you bond with your friends, family, and signifigant other)!
What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Quiz What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Quiz Which Sonic Character Are You Quiz? Which Sonic Character Are You Quiz? Emotion Quiz: What Emotion Am I Quiz Emotion Quiz: What Emotion Am I Quiz Popular...
Take the quiz and read your results to see if you're considered a Type A or B personality. But what if neither of those feels quite right? You could be a Type C or D.
"For people who are anxious about math,posture makes a big difference,"said Erik Peper from San Francisco State University.That's right—sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams. Scientists tested 125 college students.They asked them to do a simple math quiz while sitting ...
There are many reasons to consider taking a test to measure symptoms of anxiety, stress, or depression. You may have felt down hearted or be unsure whether your symptoms are serious, or you may want a formal diagnosis. Depending upon your symptoms, an on
There are four different attachment styles that people may have in relationships, and they're often caused by childhood experiences.
Who Am I Find Out Who You Are by How You Communicate If you're curious about what your style of communication is and what it reveals about your personality, we suggest you take this quiz! 11 Qs Personality What's Your Jungian Archetype? Carl Jung believed that archetypal character ty...
Separation anxiety is characterized by a young child's display of anxious behavior when apart from their primary guardian, such as a parent. Learn...