we have “What Am I?” riddles for kids and adults. We also have a list of hard “What Am I?” riddles to reallytest your riddle solving ability. The article ends with a collection
We live in a realm of duality. That means everything holds an opposing truth, intention, and way of being. According to the law of polarity, not only is there opposition to everything, but everything is the perfect expression of its opposite. As day opposes night, left opposes right. It...
1. Reading Too Much Into It:Don't turn that single 'X' into a complex riddle. It might just be a casual sign-off and not a declaration of eternal love or a cry for help. Balance your interpretation with the overall context of the conversation. ...
Lord John made a sign to him that he should wait for an answer and then he turned to us. "Well, it's up to you to say what you will do," said he; "for my part I have a score to settle with these monkey-folk, and if it ends by wiping them off the face of the earth I...
Answer: Yes, our AI has developed a fondness for enigmas. We’re assembling a team of top-notch riddlers to expedite this process. In the meantime, it’s offered to eliminate hunger within the office by stocking the break room with snacks from alternate realities. Enjoy the Schrödinger’...
Another thing… tank tops. I know it’s a no-no for a white shirt, but for a dark shirt or a polo they work well. Sometimes I find v-necks still show if the collar is undone, as I don’t always wear a tie. This is the case for polo’s mostly. While I’ve found tank-tops...
The human condition is essentially the riddle of why humans are competitive and aggressive when the ideals of life are to be cooperative and loving. However, it needs to be emphasised that the deeper meaning of the human condition is more elusive. Indeed, the human condition has been such an...
Here is a good riddle to demonstrate the battle-between-the-sexes kind of jokes.Q: Why did God create the man before he created the woman? A1: The answer that men give: To give him the chance to enjoy Heaven on Earth for a few moments. A2: The answer that women give: Everyone ...
A former dance teacher used to say, “Don’t bother comparing yourself to others. There will always be people better than you, and worse than you. The most important thing is to ask yourself, “Am I improving?” No matter the answer to that question, we can also ask ourselves, “What...
“15,000 jobs depend on that port, and we’re gonna do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers,” Biden said. “It’s one of the most important elements for the economy in the Northeast and the quality of life.” ...