Boeing 737 Max 9: What to know if you’re about to fly one after the grounding spurred by the Alaska Airlines blowout BYThe Associated Press January 28, 2024 at 4:21 AM GMT+8 A door plug area of an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft awaiting inspection....
Copa said it had temporarily suspended 21 Boeing 737 Max 9s to comply with the FAA’s order. Turkish Airlines said it pulled its five Max 9s from service. HOW SAFE IS IT TO FLY ON ONE OF THESE PLANES? Federal officials and airline executives regularly tout the safety of a...
A few hundred flights using the affected 737 MAX 9 planes have been canceled. Airlines won’t fly them again until the FAA has cleared them. As the FAA said on Tuesday:“The safety of the flying public, not speed, will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 737 Max 9 to servic...
What went wrong? An emergency landing by an Alaska Airlines jetliner prompted U.S. authorities to ground most of Boeing's 737 Max 9 aircraft.
近日,据多家外媒报道,波音737 MAX系列客机工程师称,飞机软件失误是由于波音将软件开发外包给了不太合格的承包商。 这样做的原因,当然是为了压缩成本。 一方面,波音公司管理层裁减有经验的专业员工,他们曾以10年来最快速度裁员,2017上半年就开掉了6000人。
You might simply be wondering what the seat configuration will be, or maybe you want to know whether you were scheduled to fly on a Boeing 737 Max aircraft following the recent grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max planes after a harrowing Alaska Airlines flight involving a plug door that blew out...
for the Max,far eclipsingthe sale of any other type of airliner. This fact alone ought to raise safety concerns. It may soon prove impossible to avoid flying on a 737 Max, particularly in the U.S. domestic market. United, American, Southwest, and Alaska airlinesall c...
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The FAA has approved a process to allow the Boeing 737 Max 9 to fly again. That move clears the way for airlines to begin inspecting the planes so that they can be OK’d to fly. Each of the 171 grounded aircraft must undergo the process. That includes inspection of the bolts, fittings...
You might get supplemental compensation (for what the airlines don’t cover) not only for lost bags, but also for reimbursements for things you may need to buy while you’re waiting for your bag. At the airport before you fly Check your bags in a timely manner: Travelers United says ...