Look around you. From the tube of toothpaste in your bathroom to the planes flying overhead, you see hundreds of products and processes every day that have been improved through the use of statistics. Statistics is so unique because it can go from health outcomes research to marketing analysis...
American is the world’s largest airline, though when it comes down to it, the airline is basically one huge domestic carrier. American’s long haul network pales in comparison to that of Delta and (especially) United, and it’s just unfortunate to see how fragmented American’s strategy is...
Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWN Session ID: 2024-09-30:a73b96acb4b66b1b127b2203 Player Element ID:9cc746bc4f5e93faa5b6ad27c4bb3261 OK Close Modal Dialog View Transcript Audio Descriptive Off How much are holiday shoppers spending this year? Record sales growth is expected this holiday se...
The short-term economic outlook is “optimistic.”First, a caveat: the Davos consensus is not always right. Last year, many feared 2018’s synchronous growth would turn into synchronous recession. That did not prove to be the case. In fact, by a number of measures, economic growth in many...