In Oregon, it's legal for adults 21 and older to purchase, possess and use recreational marijuana…but there are limits.*You can possess, use and buy recreational marijuana if you are 21 and older. If you are younger, it’s illegal. What is the legal age to use recreational marijuana?
Whether you call it vape tongue, vaper’s tongue or simply vaping fatigue, the symptom is the same: you’re no longer able to taste your e-liquids. Vape tongue is one of the more common complaints reported by frequent vapers. While no one agrees on a single effective solution for vape ...
The youth vaping boom has led to backlash. This month, President Trump said the government will act to ban thousands of flavors used in electronic cigarettes because they appeal to underage users. Rhode Island, Michigan and New York have banned flavored vaping products. On Tuesday, the governor...
The legal landscape around snus is not straightforward. Traditional tobacco-based snus has been illegal to sell in the UK since 1992, but tobacco-free pouches exploit a regulatory loophole. These products are not subject to the same age restrictions as cigarettes or vapes, meani...
Is psilocybin legal? It’s complicated. Psilocybin is illegal or restricted in most places across the world. It remains a Schedule I drug in the United States, alongside addictive substances like heroin. Enforcement differs, and magic mushrooms have been decriminalized in several U.S. cities, ...
Makers are going to keep right on DIYing their own vaping liquids. Teens will keep finding ways to get their fix, like they did earlier this year when a round of age restrictions sent them to eBay and Alibaba to buy knock-off pods, vapes, and cigarettes. No ban will be pe...
Side Effects of Vaping for New Users For new users, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects of vaping. These may include coughing, dry mouth, sore throat, and headaches, which are usually mild and go away on their own. However, if they persist, it is important to co...
Real-world evidence shows this approach is working: the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA show oral nicotine pouch use by those under the legal age remains exceptionally low," the company said in a statement....
Depending on the age of your teen, you will have control of at least one of these, possibly all of them. When you work out your plan, make sure these are involved. Your teen will say you have no right to take any of them away. There’s no point arguing that – your teen won’...