Knowing that it’s probably “just” arthritis (along with whatever was originally going on on the right side) helps me just take it as it comes and not worry too much about, you know, feeling like I legitimately can’t walk sometimes. I also talked to my doctor about my rheumatologist...
you must get them fixed and then rested to recover in the proper way. I hope you will do that at the right time after she gives birth and nursed her kittens. I also hope you are going to spay and neuter the kittens when the reach the right age!
The other day I saw the movie “Age of Adeline”. I picked the film because of its interesting premise: it’s about a woman who, for some strange reason, stops aging at the age of 29. As the decades flow by, she finds she has to hide herself, move and change her name frequently...
I have never seen these beautiful animals till over 5 years ago.. My cousins cat had kittens and I’d go over there and just loved on this kitten, he was basically all white with orange strips, has the dark face and paws.. I do have to say he is my baby. His name is Mario (...
- Okay, it was a lousy thing to do. But if what I had found was that everything was all kittens and moonbeams in Markville, you'd be over it. 好吧,我承认我确实做得有点龌龊,但如果我在你档案上发现的全都是夫妻情投意合、辗转悱恻那些事的话,你就不会如此介怀了 - No, I wouldn't!
Plus, as the age gap grew, I found that I had to work harder at being open and ‘young at heart’ to things they wanted to do. They kept me young minded in a way – something I’m very thankful for. I was capable of being a mom…at least in theory. My whole adult life I ...
The Doll is wound pretty dang tight….perhaps the fact that I have naturally curly hair has something to do with that. When you have cork screw curls, you are spring-loaded from your head to your toes. I find it hard to leave the job behind when I walk out the door at night. ...
At what age do they stop to develop. Also i read online that i can take him to a dr so he can get a calcium injection in his ears. What do you recommend ?? Some people say if the ear is not up by 8 months it will never go up and some say it will go up. Both ears are ...
He was going to do things differently than his parents. He was able to learn from their one major mistake as restaurant owners – they knew very little about the art of cooking. So, at age 30, Ma left engineering and returned to school – cooking school. Ma soon learned that he ...
. I love the variety of the 1930s Golden Age. I can be riveted by 1950s film noir, or, as it becomes in the self-parodic 1970s, radical, but with violence directed against women (invited by women too, think of Jean Rhys). I’d probably do best to try to teach what I most ...