OurrealmisaborderprotectingthepeopleofEarth 不受冥界侵害像你这种威胁 fromthreatsoftheUnderworld.Threatslikeyou. 我保证我没有恶意 Mmm,Iassureyou,Imeannoharm. 跟我有瓜葛的是一个叫文武的人 MyquarrelswithamannamedWenwu. 严格说来是跟家父有关
In 1955, eighteen-year-old Janet Jones keeps the love she shares with her best friend Marie a secret. It’s not easy being gay in Washington, DC, in the age of McCarthyism, but when she discovers a series of books about women falling in love with other women, it awakens something in...
It is so hard to say ‘Relax’ when something as important as having a child is at stake, but sometimes it is the only thing that can help. We have been trying for a second child without success for 3 years. I’m 39 now so I know age is against me, but hopefully I can relax ...
I challenge any of you guys to recall something significant that Eugene did since the beginning of the show other than being a father figure 分享19115 正义联盟吧 kalai1996 末日警钟里 元宇宙的设定这几天有些吧友造谣了一些关于元宇宙的设定,所以我把那贴删了,如果有波及到其他吧友就抱歉了。 第十集...
What is your age? 你/你几岁? What gender do you identify as?你/你自认为的性别为? (Man.男性。/Woman女性。) I have never felt se-xual desire.我从未感到性=欲望。 I can not decide what s-ex I am attracted to more.我无法决定我更喜欢哪个性别。 I find the idea of having s-ex ...
Did I also mention I was also happy as a pig in shit, as Rach had her surgery consultation earlier in the afternoon and the mass that was to be removed? Gone. Yep, simply gone. Happy happy joy joy. The past few days have been extremely active both on the blogside and the Facebook...
Cryptocercus, like other cockroaches, has a single more or less fixed developmental track: a linear, progressive hemimetabolous development to the adult stage, within a specified, albeit flexible, time frame; size, maturity and chronological age are roughly correlated. Termites deviate from this ...