To be clear, there is no difference in reading level across YA books; the age distinction is based entirely on how graphic the content is around sex, violence, or drugs, so don’t assume that an older teen wouldn’t like some of these selects, too! For those of you straddling ...
What Age Can I Legally Leave My Kids Home Alone In Michigan? There is no "official age" in which you can leave your kids home alone in Michigan. But, the state does offersome guidelines: "There is no agreed-upon age when all children are able to stay home alone safely. Because childr...
There is no set age prescribed by law, or by child development experts, for when your child is ready to stay at home alone. That decision lies with the parents, and as you probably guessed, Connecticut does have plenty of guidelines and factors for you to consider before you make that ...
Legally, though, when can you leave a child home alone in Maine? The answer? There is no minimum age! According toImom, Maine does not have a minimum age at which a child can legally be left at home. For the most part, leaving a kid at home without adult supervision is left up to...
What Age Can Kids Stay Home Alone? Age is a factor for sure. I don’t think that any 5 year old (“mature for their age” or not) would be okay to be left alone. But age isn’t the only thing to consider. Every child is so different. One of my kids will never be able to...
How old should a child be? Although it is generally agreed that a young child in primary school should not be left alone, age is not the only consideration. Some children might function well at home alone, while others might not be ready to assume the responsibility of self-care. Parents...
4.At my age ,you gotta think ahead (片中) think ahead 早做打算例:If you wanna have enough money for retirement you gotta think ahead and start saving now. 你若想在退休时有足够的钱,那得提早下手了,现在开始就得节省。(第85集) I had to bail on the freeway (片中) bail on 放弃 = ...
女王的棋局第1季第3集台词 英文中文Mom!妈妈后翼弃兵 第三集Well, now.瞧瞧这里Welcome.欢迎- Got a cigarette, doctor? - So...
I'd like to increase my hours at my job from part-time to full-time when my son starts middle school. He'd be home by himself for an hour and a half between the end of his afterschool program and the time I'd be back from work. Do you think he's old enough to be homeMANN...
少年谢尔顿第1季第2集台词 英文中文Look at him. Breaks my heart.你看他我心都要碎了Poor little guy, all alone.可怜的小...