You usually hear a British-sounding accent when a South African is speaking.Many of the ancestors of the English speakers in South Africa came originally from Britain.But in South Africa many native language words also influence English.This may be because English is but one of South Africa’s...
You usually hear a British-sounding accent when a South African is speaking.Many of the ancestors of the English speakers in South Africa came originally from Britain.But in South Africa, many native language words also influence English.This may be because English is but one of South Africa’...
"Canadians are portrayed as having oval-shaped, flappy, Pac-Man-like heads with black beady eyes," readsSouth ParkFandom's description. "The rest of their bodily layout is very rectangular and straight. They speak with an exaggerated accent and usually end all of their sentences with 'eh,' ...
“What’s with the accents?” We live in Vancouver, so she’s familiar with a Chinese accent, and it seemed inappropriate in this context. I vividly remember the uproar when these movies came out, because of all the cultural stereotyping. ...
A curious hybrid accent Her speech has a funny twang They have some funny ideas about war Had an odd name The peculiar aromatic odor of cloves Something definitely queer about this town What a rum fellow Singular behavior Strange (math) Of an attractor: having a fractal structure. Peculiar Un...
You usually hear a British-sounding accent when a South African is speaking.Many of the ancestors of the English speakers in South Africa came originally from Britain.But in South Africa, many native language words also influence English.This may be because English is but one of South Africa’...
You usually hear a British-sounding accent when a South African is speaking.Many of the ancestors of the English speakers in South Africa came originally from Britain.But in South Africa, many native language words also influence English.This may be because English is but one of South Africa’...
What is one thing you could say that would instantly offend/annoy a Canadian? What is the difference between Canadian accent and American accent ? Why do American people always make fun of Canadians in their TV shows?Previous question/ Next question ¿...
It’s true, I wasn’t born in the U.S., but I immigrated here from India at the ripe age of six and have always considered myself — first and foremost — an American. My English is accent-free, mypassportissued from the United States of America, so why then the hesitation, the ...
(Yes, some Spaniards near the border to France don’t like the French very much) Not entirely sure why. However, God forbid you speak Spanish with a Latin American accent — there is still a lot of snobbery among Spaniards towards Latin Americans. Spaniards consider themselves white and ...