1. 什么是whataboutism 这是西方很流行的一个词,肇始于冷战时期,西方谴责苏联阵营种种恶行的时候,就被反唇相讥,“what about 你们自己的人权问题?” 可以翻译成“那又怎么说主义”或者“比烂主义”,指不就事论事,而是通过揭露对方的问题来遮盖自己的问题。 比如勇士队球迷在垫脚伦纳德被谴责的时候,说“当年鲍文...
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GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format and this animated graphic image can be usually found on web pages.
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Learn about the GIF file format and how it compares to other image file types like JPEG and PNG.
Replying to comments on social media is an essential part of community management. Responding to social media users helps you form personal connections, boost engagement, and answer customer queries. Using a GIF is a quick way to post a reply and express how you feel about the comment. ...
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