💚What a Wonderful World L桃子鱼仔ukulele教室的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...音乐博主 3 公司 桃子鱼仔Ukulele教室 Ü 简介: 吉他谱和教学@岛屿吉他 tb「桃子鱼仔的ukulele小铺」 更多a 微...
你有没有想过夏威夷音乐为什么会让人听起来充满了“夏威夷风情”呢?在这节课里我们通过《What a Wonderful World》这首歌,学习如何将一首歌改编成夏威夷曲风 #尤克里里 #尤克里里教学 #夏威夷音乐 #尤克里里自学 #尤克里 - Ukulele刘宗立于20240319发布在抖音,已经收获
曲谱:《 What A Wonderful World 》Ukulele指弹曲谱Jake Shimabukuro... 乐谱类型:尤克里里谱 乐谱格式:图片乐谱
曲谱:Jake版曲谱 What A Wonderful World ukulele指弹曲谱 乐谱类型:尤克里里谱 乐谱格式:图片乐谱
所属专辑:飞扬之声ukulele晚安曲 声音简介 飞扬之声ukulele晚安曲#488 《What A Wonderful World》(世界多美好) ——连续两次晚安曲和大家分享的了Samuel Bonanno和Will Lydgate的带来的尤克里里与低音提琴的合奏曲,简直治愈,停不下来,今天继续。这次和你分享的是无数尤克里里演奏家演绎过的世界名曲《What A Wonderful...
待分类 > 待分类 > what a wonderful world 奇妙 的世界 ukulele谱 吉他谱 打印 转格式 236阅读文档大小:628.92K1页Mr.Proc..上传于2013-11-29格式:JPG
胖子哇 - What a wonderful world ukulele指弹(Cover Louis Armstrong) 632021-12 3 胖子哇 - Hi'ilawe ukulele指弹(Cover Jake shimabukuro) 452021-12 4 胖子哇 - Imagine Ukulele尤克里里指弹(Cover John Lennon) 482021-12 5 胖子哇 - After Class 412021-12 6 胖子哇 - 坐在巷口的那对男女 Ukulele尤克里...
" is an Andersen original on which the Kid puts out a guitar chords that at times sound like something from Link Wray and at other times sounds like it's Robert Ward playing through his Magnatone amp. We're also treated to a hot sax solo from Nancy Wright and more good organ playing ...
Joined: Mar 2022 Posts: 63 London, Ontario Canada I took up the ukulele in February of this year and joined a ukulele club in September. I have no plans to take lessons and really just want to play easy songs for now. Piano is definitely hard enough.Re...
»A few years ago I started making small walks in Dalarna. I play and play ukulele or harmonica. « A process that for Gustaf Norén became unexpectedly painful. - I played a parody of myself, and it was incredibly difficult to get a view of myself and my ego, he says. ...