“Distracted boyfriend” first entered the memegame in 2017, when a Turkish Facebook group used a stock photo of a man walking with a girl while checking out another girl to make a joke about Phil Collins. The meme continues to be relevant today while being used as inspiration for pop cul...
A 2013 cartoon image by Brazilian artist Genildo Ronchi suddenly became a widely used meme in 2021—featuring two people sitting on different sides of the same bus, one is looking sadly at a rock wall, while the other is smiling at the sunny view from his window. Many have used the illus...
What Makes You Beautiful is the first song by One Direction in the series. What Makes You Beautiful is one of the few songs in Just Dance 4 where the Dance Quests do not call for a Dance Style, along with Call Me Maybe (on the Nintendo Wii) as well as Good Feeling. In Just Dance...
Almost everyone does this—that is, send their partner or best friend a silly meme or TikTok once in a while—but what you may not know is that this everyday practice is actually a psychologist-approved way to build and maintain a relationship. ...
19. How to create a meme in Photoshop (Image credit: Matt Smith) Social media’s all about memes these days, and making them is a nice skill to have. In one of our most popular Photoshop tutorials, How to make a meme in Photoshop, Matt Smith explains how to make multiple memes in ...
Niceset of scenarios for Ukraine/Russia from the BBC(I wonder what it might look like as a matrix?). The whole sorry state reminds me of Mary Schmich’s commencement speach essay: “Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an...
W/L (Dub/Loss)–“W” means a win, and “L” means a loss.“That’s a W fit.”(Nice outfit.) Goofy Ahh– A way to say something is silly, dumb, or funny in a meme-like way.“That’s a goofy ahh haircut.” Bet– Used instead of “okay” or “fo...
George isn’t a person. George is a band. Prinny had been telling me for a year or two of a great band she loved but in the summer of 2001, they broke on Triple J and suddenly everyone knew who they were, and knew their song “Spawn”. Because I knew Prin, she gave me Tyrone...
Our worship theme this month has beenseeking, and when I started to think of what I would say in a sermon on this theme, one of the first things that came to mind was the song I just quoted, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” by U2. This was the second track ...
“I Need To Plant A Money Tree” with a nice shuffle beat, brings out some more great harmonica again and it’s followed by a song about the delights of night time Chicago, “Chicago All Night.” Stone picks Leroy Carr’s “Sloppy Drunk Blues” as his next cover, and makes a good ...