rainwater tends to be somewhat acidic, especially in urban environments. When it comes in contact with organic debris or chemicals on the ground, it can cause some particularly aromatic reactions. It breaks apart soil and releases minerals trapped inside, which react with chemicals, such as gasolin...
Dover sole also contains some minerals — calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, and sodium. Dover sole has no sugars or fiber, though. Dover sole also provides some vitamins. Vitamin A, E, and D are present in raw fish. It also contains some thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2)...
He reminded us that before the industrial revolution ‘water was king’. On Dartmoor mills are recorded from the 14thcentury, mostly for milling grain. Only a tiny number are still in use. Mining was also an important user of waterpower, for tin blowing houses and later machinery. Woollen m...