Get started with the what3words API, a fast and simple interface that allows you to convert 3 word addresses to coordinates and vice versa.
what3words APIは住所を正確な3ワードアドレスに変換できますか? 3ワードアドレスを通常の住所に変換できますか? what3words APIはオンラインまたはオフラインの地図やナビゲーション、ルート最適化機能も提供していますか? what3words APIでPOI(ランドマーク)も提供していますか? what3words...
what3words API機能を、Microsoft Excel上で簡単に有効にできます。what3wordsの幅広い専用機能を使えば、次のようなことができます。 3ワードアドレスをGPS座標に変換 GPS座標を3ワードアドレスに変換 3ワードアドレスの表示言語を変更
The what3words API is a fast and simple interface that allows you to convert 3 word addresses to coordinates and vice versa. It features a powerful AutoSuggest function, which can validate and autocorrect user input and limit it to certain geographic areas (this powers the search box on our...[API-KEY]请注意,任何通过蛮力逆向工程后端的企图都很麻烦,而且可以轻松检测到。我认为相邻区域有完全不同的单词使其成为一个低级的解决方案,但它仍然是一个很好的互补解决方案。这也会导致开放地理定位策略,以便其他...
Web what3words is a unique location reference solution which has pre-allocated every 3m x 3m square in the world with a 3 word address. It is being used to deliver mail in the favelas of Brazil, medicine in the Townships of South Africa, has been adopted by ...
Access key features of the what3words API from your Excel spreadsheet. what3words is the simplest way to talk about location. It has divided the world into 3m x 3m squares, each with a unique 3 word address. It means that you can refer to any precise location – a delivery entrance, ...
三词地址(what3words)是一个简单的定位系统。它将整个地球划分成3米 × 3米的区域,每块区域都有其...
三词地址(what3words)是一个简单的定位系统。它将整个地球划分成3米 × 3米的区域,每块区域都有其...
NameTypeDescriptionRequired API Key securestring The API Key for this api TrueThrottling LimitsStækka töflu NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActionsStækka töflu Convert To Lat Long Convert What3Words to Lat Long Convert to Words Convert a standard latitu...