neverreachit.WhenIlookedup,Ialwayssawthatthereweremany whitecloudsaroundthetop.Althoughthesightwasbeautiful,Ididn’t expect36alookatit.Mylegswerebadlyshivering(颤抖) becauseofthe3-hourwalk37Ihadapaininmyhead.Isaid tomyselfthatIcouldn’tgiveupclimbingbecauseitwasmydreamto reachthetop. Itwascoldandthe...
In Finland (芬兰), a family came up with a special idea to protect their forest: they let people come and hug the trees. Every August, the World Tree Hugging Game will take place in Finland.In this game, people do three things:First, hug as many trees as possible in one minute, wit...
That's the word from a new study conducted in Iceland and accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters. The finding is bad news not just for one comparatively remote…