短文背诵练习方法 不看文本,听全文1-2遍 看文本,听录音,听清每个单词的读音以及其中的连读等发音规则 学习发音规则,点击文末的 “阅读原文” 模仿录音中的发音规则朗读文章,直至熟练 学有余力,可以背诵全文请点击本文左下角“阅读...
12 Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled to the gold mining (开采) areas in California. They were in a hurry to get there before other people did. Many people were not careful. They made bad choices or wrong decisions. One group of people had reached Death Valley ...
If the rules allow you to go on, the written notice will also tell you who to contact and what to do next if you choose to continue with your appeal. lacare.org 如果規則允許您繼續上 訴,書面通知也會提供聯繫人及如選擇繼續上訴該如何處理的資訊。 lacare.org If you are in a hurry, ...
What excites and thrills you one day might be quite different the next."Men see sex as a means to the ultimate end of orgasm and they usually like to get there in a hurry. Women are generally much slower-paced. Our view is that the entire sex act should be a pleasurable experience, ...