AllTrampedIn ShaolinTemple TheNewPoliceStories Titanic ButterflyLover Titanic Doyoulikethecomedy?(Isthecomedyyourfavorite?)DoyoulikethecomedyonDec.20?ButdoyouhavelessonsonDec.20?Whatdayisitthatday?It’sMonday.Oh,wehavelessonsthatday.Whatcoursesdoyouhavethatday?Many!Wehave2Chinese,2maths,1historyand s...
The music they 5 in the restaurant is also the best. There are three great 6 !The first one has cabbages and chicken. The second one has tomatoes and eggs and the 7 one has carrots and mutton. In the past, I 8 toeat carrots, but the chef(主厨)in this restaurant cooks ...