My name is Karen. I’m 33 active girl. I have been to many places. Mount Huang was one of 34 places I’ve been to. Mount Huang is near my hometown. Guess 35 . It’s about 160 square kilometres. My dad and I went to climb it during my summer holidays five years ago. At first...
年 12 月甲企业向税务机关应缴纳增值税 30 万元,实际缴纳 20 万元;向税务机关应缴纳消费税 28 万元,实际缴纳 12 万元。已知教育费附加征收比率为 3%。计算甲企业当月应当缴纳教育费附加的下列算式中,正确的是( )。
my cookbook "The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking" (by Yamuna Devi) says atta is made from*soft*wheat flour and goes on to suggest mixing two parts whole wheat*pastry*flour with 1 part unbleached white flour or*cake*flour if you can't get imported atta flour. This ...