My favorite subject is geography Its textbooks have the most beatuiful pictures Reasons I can learn a lot from it That’s why I like it I know where... I can know how… I know where… I also know that… Polishing Zoo is the best place to go on weekends. The animals are amazing be...
what's your favorite subject英语课件 Unit12 Myfavoritesubjectisscience.DazuHaitangMiddleSchoolBimbinZhou Doyoulikemovies?Doyouliketoseeamovie?Ok,let’sseeamovie.•Whatkindofmovieisthis?Isitadocumentary?(athriller?acomedy?anactionmovie?)Whatkindofmovieisyourfavorite?Whichkindofmoviesdoyoulikebest...