8.A.WouldyouliketogowithmeB.Whatdidyoudoontheweekend, Tony C.WhydidyoumeetyourfriendD.Whendidyougettothemuseum 9.A.Ilikedthepaintings.B.Iarguedwithhim. C.Wevisitedthemuseumtogether.D.Wewenttothepark. 10.A.Whydon’tyoubuysomeflowersB.Let’sgoshopping. C.WhataboutplayingsoccerD.It’sOKtodo...
I know that durum flour is hard flour but it is also my understanding that atta is low gluten. Because there are so many Indians here in Toronto, my thinking was that they would insist on atta that was like atta from "home", therefore low gluten. ... excerpt from [the page that WAS...