Foreign Policy
In this latest version of Windows Server, SMB is more secure than ever. It now supports AES-265 encryption for optimal security in SMB file share connections, East-West encryption for internal cluster communications, and SMB Direct and RDMA encryption. SMB Direct and RDMA are used as high-...
in Crossfire: Civilians in Conflict in Middle East (Ithaca Press, 2008); and 'Gulf-Asia Ties: Economy First, What Next? 除了在国际报纸上发表的450多篇专栏文章,他近期还发表过下列学术出版物:《科威特:空前绝后》发表于P. R.库马拉斯瓦米(P. R. Kumaraswamy)(编辑)的《陷入困境...