Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I can play well but he isn't very good. I've got seven pets--a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesn't like them. ...
Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow. First you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For ...
本课 英语人教PEP(三起)五上Unit 1 What's he like?B Read and write优质课视频实录&执教:刘素杰老师由优质课视频网收集整理,优质课视频网视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师...
导读:Unit 1 What's he like? PA Let's learn课件+视频下载,简介:(Unit 1 What's he like? PA Let's learn课件(20张)===压缩包内容:2014PEP5_Unit1_What’s_he_like_A_Let’s_learn.ppt2014P)... 版本: 人教版(PEP) 类型: 课件 地区: 天津市/ 文件: 2.083 MB Unit...
导读:Unit1 What’s he like?Part A Let's spell 课件(36张PPT,内嵌音视频)下载,简介:()... 版本: 人教版(PEP) 类型: 课件 地区: 全国/ 文件: 34.583 MB Unit1 What’s he like?Part A Let's spell 课件(36张PPT,内嵌音视频)下载,简介:() 标签:...