Gina:Well,Iwantedtogocampingwithmybrother,buttheweather wasterrible. Tony:Oh,that’stoobad.Thenwhatdidyoudo Gina:Itwasboring. Tony:Soundsterrible,Gina. Gina: Tony:Iwenttotheartmuseum.WhenIwaswaitinginline,Isawmyold friend. Gina:Thatsoundswonderful.Mother’sDayiscoming.Whatshouldwe ...
4. M:Did you come back from America with your brother, Lucy W:No, I stayed there six days longer than my brother Bill. 5. W:I think we should plant more trees to protect the environment. M:I disagree. I think we should stop cutting down trees. 第二节 Text 1 W:How's your life...