Affirmativeaction,same-sexmarriage,physician-assistedsuicide,abortion,nationalservice,the morallimitsofmarkets?Sandelrelatesthebigquestionsofpoliticalphilosophytothemostvexing issuesoftheday,andshowshowasurergraspofphilosophycanhelpusmakesenseofpolitics, morality,andourownconvictionsaswell. ...
an African American scholar and activist. Discouraged by the civil rights struggles of the 1960s and dismayed by the 1965 Watts riots, Karenga based the ceremonies of Kwanzaa around the belief
A study funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases indicated that when people have blood sugar levels that are only slightly higher than normal (prediabetic levels) this can reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes by more than 50 percent. The study indicated th...