Date: September 09, 2005 05:25AM Yoy must create aprimary key in that table. Also, you must create a columnn with type timestamp (ypo can give it any name). Subject Views Written By Posted What's Up with this #Deleted Thing
年 12 月甲企业向税务机关应缴纳增值税 30 万元,实际缴纳 20 万元;向税务机关应缴纳消费税 28 万元,实际缴纳 12 万元。已知教育费附加征收比率为 3%。计算甲企业当月应当缴纳教育费附加的下列算式中,正确的是( )。
After exporting, I run a pass-through query to change the schema: ALTER TABLE `mydatabase`.`mytable` MODIFY COLUMN `RecordId` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, MODIFY COLUMN `TimeStamp` TIMESTAMP, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`RecordId`), ENGINE = MYISAM; I think that I've avoided the #...