you can build accounting and financial skillset and advance your career. The best part is that they are conducted by topmost institutions such as New York, Maryland and Columbia Institute of Finance. Such programs are specially designed to give a great path to the career. They cover a lot ...
(MD and PhD) from Stanford University. His PhD is in Electrical Engineering with a focus on AI/machine learning and neuroscience (advisor: Krishna Shenoy; co-advisor: Andrew Ng). He also holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, and a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from ...
MastersofBusinessAdministrationCandidate,TripleMajor:PrivateEquity,Strategy&OperationsMay2001 AwardedClassof2001AcademicScholarship•GlobalConsultingPracticum•Co-CoordinatorofBusinessPlanCompetition AlumniRepresentative•AcademicQualityCircle•MemberofPrivateEquity,Finance,ChinaandHigh-TechClubs ...