She was made Director of MBA Admissions in 2018. In the fall of 2022, Blair took over leadership of the Wharton MBA for Executives Admissions Office and was named Executive Director of Graduate Admissions. Blair has a deep passion for the business of admissions. She has a masters degree from...
When Dean James asked me to speak here, I noted that with my two Wharton degrees, the Executive MBA is one of the few Wharton graduations I haven't actually been to.当詹姆斯院长邀请我在这里发言时,我注意到我拥有两个沃顿商学院学位,行政 MBA 是我实际上没有去过的少数沃顿商学院毕业课程之一。
Whether you want to start your own business as an entrepreneur or work as a business professional with well-reputed organizations, Udemy has a business course for all your needs. There are a variety of courses and classes to choose from, butthe bestseller courses are An Entire MBA in one co...
沃顿本科一年级第一学期有一门让人又(chou)爱(ming)又(zhao)恨(zhu)的必修课,叫Management 100。在...
The Only Online Ivy League Executive MBA Program –podcast Episode 490 Admissions Directors Reveal the Most Common Mistakes Applicants Make – podcast Episode How to Get an MBA at Columbia Business School –podcast Episode 528 How to Get Accepted to NYU Stern –podcast Episode 525 Subscribe: Podcas...
Sarah did have a funny feeling about this piece of work. Usually when she delivers something that is critical to an executive presentation, she will at least get a few more questions and will hear how the presentation went. She heard neither, so before the surprised outburst from Steve, Marg...
Interview with Blair Mannix, Director of Admissions for the Wharton MBA program [Show Notes]It gives me great pleasure to have on Admissions Straight Talk for the first time, Blair Mannix, Director of Admissions for the Wharton MBA program. Blair first came to Penn as a graduate student where...
Pinck, President, The OSS Society - (Office of Strategic Services) OSS preceded CIA. Wharton Club of DC Members invited to this Special BCC Rotary Club Event: Networking & Program. All Members & Guests Welcome. RSVP by 10/12 Headliners Luncheon with Stacey Cunningham, President, NYSE Group...
Of course, for Wharton’s Executive MBA population, school is still in session on both coasts; the 120 students in Philadelphia and the slightly smaller group (between 105 and 110 students) on the San Francisco campus, right on the Embarcadero, are as busy as ever. “We don’t think of...