View 13F filing holders of Aramark. 13F filings are submitted quarterly to the SEC by hedge funds and other investment managers
13F Summary Create Email Alert Morgan Stanley is based out of New York. Morgan Stanley is a large advisory firm with 1602 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $147,313,418,161 (Form ADV from 2024-03-27). Their last reported 13F filing for Q3 2024 included $1,379,...
摩根大通与贝莱德对“蔚小理”持仓出现分歧 当地时间2月12日,摩根大通向SEC提交了该行2024年Q4的13F报告。报告期内,这家美国最大的商业银行对蔚来、小鹏、理想三家中国造车新势力的持股比例再度出现变化。据Whalewisdom数据,2024年Q4摩根大通分别增持蔚来、小鹏股份157.59万股和422.71万股,环比增加65.37%和1138.14%;对...
中新经纬5月17日电 当地时间5月16日,巴菲特所在伯克希尔·哈撒韦(以下简称伯克希尔)公司公布了2022年第一季的13F持仓报告。 据13F数据平台Whale Wisdom显示,伯克希尔一季度持仓总市值增至3635.54亿美元,环比增加9.8%。在第一季度,伯克希尔新进8只股票,增持7只股票,清仓3只、减仓4只股票。 来源:Whale Wisdom 从前十持...
Hedge fund XN was one of 2020’s largest new funds. Gaurav Kapadia is off to an impressive start. XN, which raised $1B last when it launched last July, filed its first 13F on Feb. 16. For Q4, the fund reported managing $1.53B in 13F securities. The XN hedge fund filed jointly wi...
But while Gerstner has built a VC juggernaut, Altimeter Capital’s public investments have been none-to-shabby. Gerstner has proven himself to be a world-class stock picker. Since 2011, holding an equal-weight portfolio of the fund’s top 20 13F positions, and rebalancing quarterly, would hav...
13F Summary Create Email Alert Equal-WTWhaleScore 2.0 ? 85 S&P 500WhaleScore ? Equal-WTWhaleScore 1.0 ? Berkshire Hathaway, run by legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffett, is a holding company engaged in a number of diverse business activities. Buffett is regarded as the ultimate value ...
Detailed Profile of TIGER GLOBAL MANAGEMENT LLC portfolio of holdings. SEC Filings include 13F quarterly reports, 13D/G events and more.
13F Summary Create Email Alert Vanguard Group is based out of Malvern. Vanguard Group is a large advisory firm with 209 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $7,909,760,294,676 (Form ADV from 2024-12-18). Their last reported 13F filing for Q3 2024 included $5,584,...
tracks and analyzes hedge fund filings in real-time. Find 13F, 13D, insider transactions and more. Backtest and clone investor portfolios.