Whales are the biggest creatures that have ever lived on the earth. They are even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs (恐龙) were. Scientists think that whales once walked on land. They believe this because whales are not fish—they are mammals (哺乳动物). Not only are whales the biggest cre...
According to new fossil evidence discovered in Pakistan and India, ancient whales could both walk on land and swim by paddling with large limbs. Two teams of researchers reported this fall on previously unknown species of primitive whales--whales whose remains were preserved i...
Some of the earth's largest mammals don't walk on land. They swim in the ocean. These sea-dwelling mammals are whales, and they are among the world's most captivating creatures. The humpback whale can grow up to fifty feet in length. The blue whale is a giant that can grow to a ...
作者:Pringle, Laurence P./ Henderson, Meryl (ILT) 出版社:Boyds Mills Pr 页数:32 定价:$ 19.15 装帧:精装 ISBN:9781563974397 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Some of the earth's largest mammals don't walk on land. They swim in the oce...
Did whales walk on land? Although whales are expert swimmers and perfectly adapted to life underwater, these marine mammalsonce walked on four legs. Their land-dwelling ancestors lived about 50 million years ago. Do whales have flippers or fins?
Speaking to the Earth's incredible biodiversity, scientists have discovered that Cetaceans, the infraorder of aquatic mammals that includes a variety of dolphins and whales, originated from a small, four-legged, hoofed ancestor that could walk on land as well as swim. Found amidst 42.6-million...
Elephants are the biggest animals that live on land (some whales are bigger than elephants but whales live in the sea), when born a baby elephant weighs 91 kilograms. That is the weight of a grown man. It is about 91 centimeters high. When it reaches the age of six years, it is abo...
whales once live d on land C . whales live d in the water millions of year s ago D. whales can live on lan d today(2)What happene d to whales when they change d their living conditions?[] A . T hey began to leave water. B. T hey began to live on land. C. T heir bodies...
years ago, in the region of modern-day Pakistan, a group of hoofed carnivores took to the water, gradually abandoning the ability to walk on land and adapting to an aquatic existence. Over hundreds of generations, their front legs morphed into flippers and their tails into flukes, while their...
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