The blue whale, the world's largest animal, can consume up to 16 tons of plankton daily, which has major implications for ocean health.
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The Sei whale is a large whale species in the genus Balaenoptera (same as the fin whale). They are blueish grey in appearance and feature a pointed rostrum (front part of the whale’s mouth, including the jaw) and arched dorsal fin. Sei whales may often present with flesh wounds (white...
We filtered the bowhead whale dive behaviour data based on the predicted HSSSM location data to differentiate dives that occurred inside Cumberland Sound with those that occurred inside Kingnait Fiord. We then merged the vertical dive data with the HSSSM location data by matching dates between the...
comfortable with you, and if it isn’t too nervous, fill the frame with the pet’s face. Get the eyes nice and sharp. Just like humans, this is a natural point of focus, although focusing on the nose or mouth of a dog or cat can also make for an interesting image in its own ...
Inside Cecilia Vega's first 60 Minutes story on sperm whales Enric Sala: They are very smart. They hunt like wolves. They hunt in groups. And they don't care about interacting with humans. They are after the prey We were off the coast of Dominica -- a country in the eastern Caribbean...