WHALE WATCHING IN ST. ANDREWS, NB Book Now WHALE WATCH TOUR From CA$88.00 Experience beautiful marine life on this 2-hour whale-watching tour. Join us aboard Tide Runner, a 24 foot rigid hulled Zodiac Hurricane™ and experience the wonders of the Bay of Fundy! Book Now Learn More 2...
Jolly Breeze Whale Adventures 544reviews 4 King St St Andrews, NB E5B 1Y2 +1 (506) 529-8116 http://www.jollybreeze.com Claim it 390
There are many whale watching eco tours and island tours around the Bay of Fundy including departures from St. Andrews, Deer Island, Campobello Island, and Grand Manan in New Brunswick, and Digby Neck, Long and Brier Island in Nova Scotia. All tours provide experienced guides to answer your ...