Whale Watching from a Zodiac Whale Watching Communities New Brunswick: Grand Manan Island St. Andrews Nova Scotia: Brier Island Long Island Digby If you enjoyed this 22nd article in our “52 Reasons to visit the Bay of Fundy” series then we recommend you check out theoverview of all the a...
Providing over 22 years of safe and enjoyable whale watching adventures and nature tours on the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick, Canada. Book online today!
Another possibility is that both Cook Inlet and St. Lawrence Estuary stocks both occupy heavily trafficked estuaries, with proximity to ports and harbours, along with established vessel-based wildlife watching trips in both regions. Vessel traffic versus data record locations are discussed further in ...
There are many whale watching eco tours and island tours around the Bay of Fundy including departures from St. Andrews, Deer Island, Campobello Island, and Grand Manan in New Brunswick, and Digby Neck, Long and Brier Island in Nova Scotia. All tours provide experienced guides to answer your ...