13. Helicopter rides, shopping, whale watching, and horseback riding are just a few of the activities not to be missed. 直升机游戏机、购物、鲸、骑马骑只是其中一小部分的活动不容错过。 14. The whale shark, Rhincodon typus, is a livebearer: 300 embryos found in one... ...
Welcome to MY Hawaii! Ready for your Hawaiian Style Vacation? I'll share my favorite spots with you from Hilo to Hanalei, Maui and Molokai, Kauai and Oahu. We'll goDeep Sea Fishing, on aWhale Watching Tours, or aHelicopter tours. Any of Hawaii's Activities. Skindiving, snorkeling, or ...
The 2004–2006 SPLASH project actively developed collaborations and supported field efforts in all known (at the time) North Pacific humpback whale breeding and feeding areas, in pursuit of comprehensively representative sample sizes8. In contrast, the NPPID project relied on contributions from existing...