Whale watching season in Cape Cod is from mid-April to October. What should I wear for whale watching in Cape Cod? Temperatures can dip by 10 to 15 degrees out on the water, so be sure to dress in layers and bring a lightly insulated jacket to stay warm – even in the summer. Snea...
It is truly awesome to view these gigantic mammals that only a few decades ago were faced with extinction.Whale Watching on Cape Cod
The marine biologist on the whale watching tour told me that last year shark researchers and fishermen spotted 150 unique great white sharks during the summer of 2015 in Cape Cod. The following year this summer, that number was on track to double to more than300 unique great white sharksin ...
Dolphins seen in Cape Cod Bay Researchers on Monday's survey also recorded an unusual sighting of seven Risso's dolphins. This species of dolphins are more commonly found in the deep ocean and not the relatively shallow waters of Cape Cod Bay. Risso's Dolphins in Cape Cod BayCenter for Coa...
Humpback whale watching province-town p-town Cape Cod Massachusetts. Video about fins, nature, breathing, endangered, bank, breathe, feed, feeding, dive, life, atlantic - 346401000
Humpback whale watching province-town p-town Cape Cod Massachusetts. Humpback whale watching endangered species feeding surfacing spout breathing diving tail fins province-town p-town Cape Cod Massachusetts summer tourism attraction conservation Author credit lin...
Captain Mike of Magic Fishing Charters in Chatham, MA knows where the fish are! From bluefin tuna to striped bass to Nantucket Rips fluke to groundfish like cod and haddock. And sharks galore. A short trip to the fishing grounds from the Chatham Fish Pie
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) spotted the 37-year-old female named Wolf and her offspring in Cape Cod Bay on April 8. You can watch the footage in the video player above. Wolf and her new calf made their way up north from Florida, where they were seen in December....
THE ORIGINATORS OF EAST COAST WHALE WATCHING SINCE 1975! Employment Dolphin Fleet has positions in all fields of operations. Join the Dolphin Fleet for a fun and enjoyable job opportunity this year for an incredible experience working out of Provincetown exploring the marine life of the Stellwagen...
Join Captain John Boats for water activities in Plymouth, MA! We offer whale watching, cruises, deep sea fishing, fast ferry to PTown & more! Book now.