在夏威夷大岛,通常可以在柯哈拉海岸以及大岛东部的希洛海湾 (Hilo Bay) 看到鲸鱼。另一个很好的观赏地点是普吾可霍拉神庙国家历史遗迹,这里地势很高,附近卡威哈也港 (Kawaihae Harbor) 的景色一览无遗。实际上,在夏威夷语里,普吾可霍拉的字面意思就是“鲸鱼之山”。 乘船游览是您近距离观鲸的最佳选择。夏威夷当地有...
I'll share my favorite spots with you from Hilo to Hanalei, Maui and Molokai, Kauai and Oahu. We'll goDeep Sea Fishing, on aWhale Watching Tours, or aHelicopter tours. Any of Hawaii's Activities. Skindiving, snorkeling, or Hiking? I'll show you some of my favorite beaches. My frien...
3. The Coast Guard flew the whale to Hilo from Maui so it could be cared for at the Hawaii Cetacean Rehabilitation Facility. 4. But Wise applied chromium to healthy whale cells in the laboratory to study the effect. 5. Werner says neither she nor her companion were hurt, and she saw ...
ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Cates, K. A.et al.Testosterone trends within and across seasons in male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from Hawaii and Alaska.Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.279, 164–173 (2019). ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Pack, A. A.et al.Comparing depth and seabed terrain...