As the winter season progresses and the northward migration begins, the occurrence of sexual activity becomes less frequent as the numbers of single adult whales in and near the lagoons decline. 21.4.2 Acoustic Behavior While gray whales are acoustically active throughout their range, including ...
When to come: The Antarctic sailing season runs from late October to late March, with the best whale viewing in February and March, when whales are most active. The island of Mo'orea in French Polynesia is one of the few places you can swim (responsibly) with whales. Anna Sanfeliu Goz...
is known to leave river channels and travel within the adjacent flooded forests of the Amazon basin during thewet season. The Irrawaddy dolphin, a delphinid, occupies estuarine habitats and major river systems in southeastern Asia. The tucuxi, another delphinid, occupies the Amazon watershed and ...
In the winter months, humpback whales are found in warmer waters near the Equator, where they have a mating season and the mothers give birth to their young. During this time, they eat very little and benefit from their own blubber. In the Atlantic, there are the northern humpback whales...
The California gray whale season will be over but other species have been sporadically showing up. I’ve seen blue whales off of the LA shore in August. Recently we had killer whales in LA. Unfortunately they put on a dramatic show hunting dolphins. Reply Report inappropriate content ...
“calving”, this is when ice falls off the glacier front. After the visit at the glacier front, we start making our way back to Longyearbyen. Early in the season (May and June) there is a good chance that there is still sea ice in the area, and then the walrus does not have ...
Normally, the whaleshark season in La Paz Bay runs October to April. However, over the past few years, fewer and fewer of the animals have been showing up. Coupled with rough turbulent water conditions in the bay, the “season” has gone through a series of “open-closed-open-closed” ...
(Wolanskiet al., 1999). Plains zebra and wildebeest populations elsewhere in Africa make similar migrations between wet and dry season grazing areas, but in smaller numbers. These species are not obligatory migrants, however, since resident, nonmigratory individuals can be found in most populations...
An average-sized blue whale will eat 2,000-9,000 pounds (900-4100 kg) of plankton each day during the summer feeding season in cold, arctic waters ( about 120 days). The Food Chain of a Blue Whale Blue whale Zooplankton PhytoplanktonSOCIAL...
From singing competitions to food preferences, scientists are learning whales have cultural differences once thought to be unique to humans.