I think this paper whale also makes a super cute and easySummer Crafts for Preschoolers.. we have create an easy origami video tutorial for you to follow or step by step photo instructions. Personally, I LOVE the video tutorials for origami. They simply seem to make teaching origami so much...
Print out ourfree whale templateand use it to create aneasy whale craft for kids. We painted our whales using a fun technique with cotton swabs, but you could also color them with markers, crayons or colored pencils. There’s all kinds of room for creativity! Follow ourOcean Crafts for K...
Shell Letter MatchingOcean Activities for Preschoolers Ocean Theme Sharks for KidsReader Sea Turtles for KidsReader Free Printable WhaleWriting Prompts All About FishPrintable Reader Ocean CountingClip Cards Cupcake LinerOctopus Craft O is for OceanWeekly Theme for Prek / K Tons of ideas for a weeks...
My Sunday school class (ages 0 to 6) did a lesson on Jonah last Sunday. For our craft we made Jonah praying in the belly of the whale. I printed a large whale and the Jonah praying pattern from your site onto cardstock and cut them out (my children aren't really good at cutting)....