《老板的二十种死法(Whack Your Boss )》是一款针对上班族开发出来的减压游戏,游戏中玩家需要在游戏中寻找干掉老板的办法,游戏中有很多工具可以选择利用,每种都对应不同的死法,一款全新的魔性减压类游戏,快来下载体验吧! 老板的二十种死法点评 丰富的道具选择 ...
February 27, 2025 - whack your boss 27 ways, whack your boss 27 ways free games, whack your boss 27 ways flash games, free flash games, whack your boss 27 ways online games, play whack your boss 27 ways game
Beat the game by finding all the way sin which you can whack your boss. If you want to even get close to finding the 24 ways to kill the boss and beat the game, you are going to be willing to experiment a little. Scan the entire workplace for new items to activate in the hopes...
1 工作之余,来解解压吧!《老板的二十种死法》(WhackYourBoss)是一款恶搞类的小游戏,可以帮给玩家减轻压力哦。你有没有一个让自己倍感压力的老板呢?整天在他的眼皮下心惊胆战的工作,有时候特别讨厌他。现在你可以通过这款游戏好好发泄一下。
With the game Don't Whack Your Boss: Superhero Style you will find 13 original and hilarious way to mistreat your boss, imitating the powers of many famous super heroes. Multicloning, lightsaber and power of force or super warrior transformation, all the most spectacular ways will be good to...
Whack Your Boss: With Super Power Neighbour Wars How to play Whack your Neighbour? Whack your Neighbour gives you a chance to get back at your annoying neighbour who keeps complaining about everything you do. Relieve your inner rage with 27 creative and brutal ways to murder your angry neighb...
Are your boss getting on your nerves all the time? Well, if this is so, then it’s time to Whack Your Boss! There are six ways to do that in this game. Find all possible ways to punish this ungrateful person and have fun yourself. ...
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