Autism iHelp – WH Questions你可能也会喜欢 Sequencing Tasks: Life Skills
Being able to identify what is being asked in these questions, and correctly answer them also helps children expand their vocabulary and become more comfortable speaking with people. The findings of a study conducted by by the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) recommended that verbal ...
Autism iHelp – WH Questions你可能也会喜欢 WH Question Cards: 教育
This app includes 144 questions chosen based on established expressive language milestones. Autism iHelp - WH?' SLP Edition address a very specific area of higher level language need in the Autism population. Through routine learning, children learn labeling of concepts. WH?'s require incorporating ...
Production of Wh-Questions in Young Children with AutismA. GoodwinD. FeinL. Naigles
Students (N=6) from two self-contained classrooms for children with autism were taught to answer "wh-" questions in the presence of magazine pictures, pictures from storybooks, and actions in the natural context depicting a scenario related to the question asked. Generalization to novel questions...
In this study, we investigated the interpretation of wh-words in 4–15-year-old Mandarin-speaking high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), as a comparison to typically developing (TD) children. The results showed that older children with ASD demonstrated unimpaired knowledge ...
Students (N=6) from two self-contained classrooms for children with autism were taught to answer "wh-" questions in the presence of magazine pictures, pictures from storybooks, and actions in the natural context depicting a scenario related to the question asked. Generalization to novel questions...
This app includes several photos and questions chosen based on established expressive language milestones. Autism iHelp - WH?'s address a very specific area of higher level language need in the Autism population. Through routine learning, children learn labeling of concepts. WH ?'s require incorpora...
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