oneis superioritywh—questions ECP(inGB)and otheris thetwo MLC(inMP).After introducing chapter, approaches,this some outthatbothofthemfailtoaccount byanalyzingexamples,points 3 M.A.Tllesis Introduction for in wh-movementandaretherefore certain phenomenamultiple explanatorilyinadequate. 2 theoretical and...
I discuss multiple ‐questions from the perspective of information structure. I argue that information‐structural effects differ between multiple ‐questions with a pair‐list answer reading and ones with a single‐answer reading, thus the way of deriving them in narrow syntax differs too. I claim...
(non-target)5/4501.11%2/4500.44%3/4500.67%As shown in table 1, in place of target LD questions, non-target short-distance (SD)question production was the pattern to which children resorted mostly in the twoyounger groups. Examples of all error types attested are presented below.SD(25)Esip...
The mood distinction in Palauan is the following: realis in declaratives and yes/no questions; irrealis in negations, conditionals, commands, and some adverbials. See Georgopoulos (199 lb, 27–28) for some illustrative examples. Georgopoulos (1985, note 19; 199 lb, 89–90) notes that the ...
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Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year papers, NEET previous year papers, NCERT books for classes 6 to 12, CBSE, Path...
First, Crispin Wright has constructed other examples of wh-misidentification that seem to cause Coliva’s proposal to misfire. Consider the following: I am lost in a sandy desert and, attempting to walk out, come across footprints which I misidentify as my own, concluding somewhat desperately, ...
questions such as Who i ___ i left?. Does not require any phonologically empty element (trace) or lexical rules. June 12, 2006 Subject Extraction and Wh-interrogatives 30 … … Discussion Discussion … … The following example, despite being a that- ...
In this case, look at Examples/GPIO/, you'll find a project called GPIO_Interrupt.Basically using interrupts are more or less the same in all Cortex-M microcontrollers...Find out what the name of the interrupt handler needs to be. Then write your interrupt handler: void XXXXXX_IRQHandler(... 小结 这22 款工具的输出结果既有直接打印的,也有黑白图、彩色图、炫酷的球体可视化结果,以及三维可视化结果,基本都可以支持目前主流的深度学习框架,当然也有的是基于特定框架,比如 keras,实现的对应第三方库。可以根据需求和...