“There’s a longer checklist of items you need to complete before you’re considered marriageable,” said Susan Brown, professor of sociology and director of the Center for Family and Demographic Research at Bowling Green State University. “You need to get a quote-unquote real job. You need...
San Jacinto County District Attorney Todd Dillon said at a news conference. She initially told authorities she didn’t know where Oropeza was, but later told a federal agent that he showed up at the house about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to the prosecutor at the...
said James Sulikowski, director of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station at Oregon State University. Those species might bite a human, realize we are not their preferred prey and move on, he said.
The Texas DMV’s director or director designee finds the proposed plate “objectionable.” Objectionable alphanumeric patterns could include words or phrases; slang in any language; patterns viewed in a mirror image; or code that only a small segment of the community might understand. The phrase ...
The suspect, 23-year-old Jourdan Hamilton, suffered what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound and died, according to Joel Gillie, Wayne County’s public affairs director. Sheriff Pierce says Hamilton has had “instances in the past,” such as a ...
“We’ve really worked hard to offer drop-in support groups and workshops that anyone can come to at any time throughout the semester and some of those have been themed certainly around the election,” said Jennifer Whitney, director of The Counseling Center. Whitney has seen stu...
Joe DiMeo and his plastic surgeon Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez pose for a portrait, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021, in New York. In the months since his face and double hand transplant, DiMeo has not shown any signs of rejecting his new face or hands, said Rodriguez, the director of NYU Langone’s...
Stay on top of breaking news and weather with the FOX8 mobile app. The risks of the variant, called omicron, are largely unknown. But the World Health Organization has called it a “variant of concern” and governments around the world are not waiting for scientists to better understand ...
The artistic team recently won a legal battle and a judge ordered Guevara to restore the scholarships. But the director of the national commission said that is not a permanent measure. The issue has even been discussed by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who said he would try ...
AUSTIN — Multiple 911 calls have been made on Saturday to report boats in distress during the “Trump Boat Parade” on Lake Travis, according to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. At this time, officials have not confirmed how many boats are in distre