to www.google.com (www.google.com)|2607:f8b0:4007:803::2004|:443... connected.GnuTLS:The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
这很可能是由于从客户端到服务器端的TLS版本不匹配。看看这里:Unable to establish SSL connection upon...
busybox wget as included in the busybox base image doesn't verify TLS certificate: $ docker run -ti --rm busybox wget -q https://expired.badssl.com && echo $? wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented 0 While it prints an warning, most people won't realize this and are...
Wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background, while the user is not logged on. This allows you to start a retrieval and disconnect from the system, letting Wget finish the work. By contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user's presence, which can be...
The default is to retry 20 times, with the exception of fatal errors like "connection refused" or "not found" (404), which are not retried. -O file --output-document=file The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but all will be concatenated together and written to ...
This option does not send an "AUTH TLS" command: it assumes the server speaks FTPS and directly starts an SSL/TLS connection. If the attempt is successful, the session continues just like regular FTPS ("PBSZ" and "PROT" are sent, etc.). Implicit FTPS is no longer a requirement for ...
This option does not send an "AUTH TLS" command: it assumes the server speaks FTPS and directly starts an SSL/TLS connection. If the attempt is successful, the session continues just like regular FTPS ("PBSZ" and "PROT" are sent, etc.). Implicit FTPS is no longer a requirement for ...
This option does not send an "AUTH TLS" command: it assumes the server speaks FTPS and directly starts an SSL/TLS connection. If the attempt is successful, the session continues just like regular FTPS ("PBSZ" and "PROT" are sent, etc.). Implicit FTPS is no longer a requirement for ...
-nv, –non-verbose 关闭详细输出模式,但不进入安静模式。 -i, –input-file=文件 下载从指定文件中找到的 URL。 -F, –force-html 以 HTML 方式处理输入文件。 -B, –base=URL 使用 -F -i 文件选项时,在相对链接前添加指定的 URL。 下载:
Connect using a specific TLS protocol Usually, I would recommend usingOpenSSLto test the TLS protocol. But, you can use wget too. wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 https://example.com The above will force wget to connect over TLS 1.2. ...