wget http://example.com/file.txt Specifying output filename: By default,wgetsaves the downloaded file with its original name. You can use the-Ooption to specify a different output filename. For example: wget -O output.txt http://example.com/file.txt Recursive downloading:wgetcan recursively ...
Even though the downloaded file is in zip format, it will get stored in the file as shown below. $ ls download_script.php?src_id=7701 Correct:To correct this issue, we can specify the output file name using the -O option as: $ wget -O taglist.zip http://www.vim.org/scripts/downl...
--config=FILE Specify config file to use. 下载: -t, --tries=NUMBER 设置重试次数为 NUMBER (0 代表无限制)。 --retry-connrefused 即使拒绝连接也是重试。 -O, --output-document=FILE 将文档写入 FILE。 -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to existing files (overwriting them)....
--report-speed=TYPE Output bandwidth as TYPE. TYPE can be bits. -i, --input-file=FILE download URLs found in local or external FILE. -F, --force-html treat input file as HTML. -B, --base=URL resolves HTML input-file links (-i -F) relative to URL. --config=FILE Specify config...
–config=FILE Specify config file to use. 3、下载参数 -t, --tries=NUMBER 设置重试次数为 NUMBER (0 代表无限制)。 –retry-connrefused 即使拒绝连接也是重试。 -O, --output-document=FILE 将文档写入 FILE。 -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to ...
--config=FILE Specify config file to use. 下载: -t, --tries=NUMBER 设置重试次数为 NUMBER (0 代表无限制)。 --retry-connrefused 即使拒绝连接也是重试。 -O, --output-document=FILE 将文档写入 FILE。 -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to ...
方法一:(推荐,因为使用标准的格式)1、使用wget匿名ftp下载(比较少用)格式:wget 参数列表 ftp-url 2、使用wget用户名和密码认证的ftp下载(通过登录FTP服务器端来下载,最常用)格式:wget 参数列表 --ftp-user=FTP用户名 --ftp-password=FTP用户密码 url 示例:wget -P d:\MyFile --ftp-...
HTML 输入文件(由-i-F 选项指定)。--config=FILESpecifyconfig file to use.下载:-t,--tries=NUMBER 设置重试次数为 NUMBER(0代表无限制)。--retry-connrefused 即使拒绝连接也是重试。-O,--output-document=FILE 将文档写入 FILE。-nc,--no-clobber skip downloads that would download to ...
--report-speed=TYPE Output bandwidth as TYPE. TYPE can be bits.-i,--input-file=FILE 下载本地或外部 FILE 中的 URLs。-F,--force-html 把输入文件当成 HTML 文件。-B,--base=URL 解析与 URL 相关的HTML 输入文件 (由-i-F 选项指定)。--config=FILE Specify config file to use.下载:-t,--...
Specify 0 or inf for infinite retrying. The default is to retry 20 times, with the exception of fatal errors like "connection refused" or "not found" (404), which are not retried. -O file --output-document=file The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but all will...