注释:$* 和 $@ 都表示传递给函数或脚本的所有参数,不被双引号(" ")包含时,都以"$1" "$2" ...
/bin/bash forIin`cat sh_secucode.txt`dowget--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.648.204 Safari/534.16"\-nv --tries=5--timeout=5-O /home/bigdata/script/zj/sh_history/history_data/$I.csv http://quotes....
三、Shell Script 实例# 有时我们的软件需要用户依赖一些其他软件,如果没有则要自动去下载: 判断当前目录是否存在 d.zip,如果不存在则从网上下载,并存储为 d.zip 判断当前目录是否存在 licence 文件,如果不存在则从网上下载(conf.txt),读取第一行,保存为 licence 文件名 RAR_FILE="http://www.jtthink.com/tes...
为了帮助你创建一个满足需求的shell脚本,我将按照你的提示逐步进行说明,并附上相应的代码片段。 1. 编写一个shell脚本 首先,我们需要创建一个新的shell脚本文件。你可以使用你喜欢的文本编辑器来创建这个文件,比如nano、vim或者gedit。 bash nano install_script.sh 2. 在脚本中添加提示用户输入的功能 接下来,在...
can someone please help in understanding this shell script? wget --progress=dot:mega --cut-dirs=4 -r -c -nH -np --reject index.html*,icons/*.gif \\ http://***.oz.xxxxx.com:<portnum>/...RADE_VER | The UNIX and Linux Forums
Below are some frequently used Wget commands in Ubuntu: Install Wget: sudo apt update && sudo apt install wget Download and Extract Files: wget -qO- https://example.com/script.sh | bash Mirror a Website: wget -m https://example.com Ubuntu users can combine Wget options with shell ...
githubgitmacoslinuxshellbashzshcliconsoleopen-sourcedatewgetreiwa UpdatedAug 10, 2023 Shell A script that downloads manga from the MangaSee website written in Shell script for practice in it shellmangawgetmanga-downloader UpdatedApr 7, 2021
> #you Shell script writes here. > EOF 结果: 引用# cat test.sh #!/bin/bash #you Shell script writes here. 可以看到,test.sh的内容就是cat生成的内容。 cat <<EOF >test.sh 内容 EOF ---就是将内容写入test.sh,之前存在的内容会被覆盖掉。EOF可以换成其他符号比如EEE:cat <<EEE >test.sh...
Shell A bash script to spider a site, follow links, and fetch urls (with built-in filtering) into a generated text file. websitespiderwgetcrawlurlsshell-scriptbash-scripting UpdatedDec 26, 2021 Shell 🎯 A command line download/upload tool with resume. ...
1. Run the following command on a unix command line or in a shell script. You do not need to create the stats first with the web interface. $ wget --post-data "stat=load avg&email=YOUR_EZKEY&value=0.92" http://api.stathat.com/ez2. Go to the stats page to see your stats!