"Could not resolve host"错误通常与主机名或域名解析有关,也可能与网络防火墙设置有关。通过检查网络连接,确认主机名或域名正确,查看DNS解析情况,并检查防火墙设置,你应该能够解决这个问题,并成功使用wget下载所需文件。
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 7.649/8.234/9.189/0.681 ms 2)traceroute 当ping不通对方(也已经用ifconfig,确定网卡启动且正常工作了),需要用traceroute对数据包进行跟踪分析。 你可能需了解下路由表:用 route (centos中的命令,在os x中用netstat -r) appledeMacBook-Pro:~ apple$ netstat -r Routing ...
ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADDRESS [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS requests. If you ever need to circumvent the standard settings from /etc/resolv....
When making client TCP/IP connections, bind to ADDRESS on the local machine. ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADDRESS [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS re...
ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADDRESS [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS requests. If you ever need to circumvent the standard settings from /etc/resolv....
ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADDRESS [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS requests. If you ever need to circumvent the standard settings from /etc/resolv....
http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.17.0-win32-nossl.zip 解压后直接执行 curl.exe 即可,使用方法跟linux下的完全相同。此命令功能非常强大,又兴趣自己研究一下。 curl一下新浪新闻看看: curl -I http://news.sina.com.cn HTTP/1.0 200 OK
今天为 centos 5.3 服务器安装jdk, 如果你要开发,运行 java 程序,jdk 是必不可少的。 如果不开发,也就是不用编译 java程序,那么只安装jre就可以了。 我这里进行 JDK 安装, 目前为止 jdk 1.7 版本为最新版本吧,1.5 叫做jdk5.0 我不知道 jdk1.7 是否叫做 jdk 7.0 呵呵。
ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADDRESS [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS requests. If you ever need to circumvent the standard settings from /etc/resolv....