当你遇到 wget: error getting response: connection reset by peer 这个错误时,通常意味着在尝试从服务器下载文件时,连接被服务器意外地重置了。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认wget命令及选项是否正确: 确保你使用的wget命令和选项是正确的。例如,基本的wget命令格式如下: bash wget ...
docker wget: error getting response 实现“docker wget: error getting response”的步骤 1. 理解问题 首先,我们需要理解问题是什么,为什么会出现“docker wget: error getting response”的错误。这个错误通常是由于网络不可达或者目标URL不存在等问题引起的。在项目中使用Docker时,我们可能会遇到这个问题,因此需要了解...
docker build error: wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer#702 New issue ClosedDescription hengyunabc opened on May 16, 2019 貌似是 TLS证书问题。 如果加上 RUN apk add ca-certificates wget && update-ca-certificates 可以build成功。 感觉有点神奇。。上游镜像为啥不更新证书? Activity...
I got a wget error on build at the AtomicParsley download stage, which seems to be related to an Alpine version issue, and was fixed by adding a certificates update into the Dockerfile as per Yelp/dumb-init#73 (comment). RUN apk update \...
$ wget https://expired.badssl.com/ Connecting to expired.badssl.com ( ERROR: cannot verify expired.badssl.com's certificate: issued certificate has expired wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer As we can see, a download link causes“certificate has expired”...
二、Docker pull报错Error response from daemon: Get <https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/>: net/http: request canceled 2.1 解决方法 2.2 手动拉取 补充 一、Linux环境—bash: wget: command not found 在Linux环境下,我们经常会用wget命令下载一些安装包、文件,有时会报错bash: wget: command not found,这...
二、Docker pull报错Error response from daemon: Gethttps://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled 2.1 解决方法 2.2 手动拉取 补充 一、Linux环境—bash: wget: command not found 在Linux环境下,我们经常会用wget命令下载一些安装包、文件,有时会报错bash: wget: command not found,这是因...
二、Docker pull报错Error response from daemon: Gethttps://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled 2.1 解决方法 2.2 手动拉取 补充 一、Linux环境—bash: wget: command not found 在Linux环境下,我们经常会用wget命令下载一些安装包、文件,有时会报错bash: wget: command not found,这是因...
二、Dockerpull报错Error response from daemon: Gethttps://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled 2.1 解决方法 2.2 手动拉取 补充 一、Linux环境—bash: wget: command not found 在Linux环境下,我们经常会用wget命令下载一些安装包、文件,有时会报错bash: wget: command not found,这是因为...
existing files.-c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloadedfile.--progress=TYPEselectprogress gauge type.-N, --timestamping don’t re-retrieve files unless newer than local.-S, --server-response print server response.--spider don’t download anything.-T, --timeout=SECONDS set all ...