wg genkey | tee sprivatekey | wg pubkey > spublickey wg genkey | tee cprivatekey | wg pubkey > cpublickey s1=$(cat sprivatekey) s2=$(cat spublickey) c1=$(cat cprivatekey) c2=$(cat cpublickey) serverip=$(curl ipv4.icanhazip.com) port=$(rand 10000 60000) eth=$(ls /sys/...
你可以查看对应客户端配置文件确定其IP: [Interface]PrivateKey = aCfyRy96aMx/gLM+SRpnmYWUBGqr+9bdSLk2OyNK7k8=Address = = = 1420[Peer]... 如果需要离线安装wirguard可以直接下载对应的rpm文件,也可以使用yumdownloader在可以联互联网的机器上下载好的rpm文件. 下载好后...
wg genkey | tee server_private_key | wg pubkey > server_public_key 这将生成一个私钥文件(server_private_key)和一个公钥文件(server_public_key)。 配置WG服务器:在服务器上创建配置文件,包含服务器的IP地址、端口、网络接口名称和服务器的公钥。可以使用以下命令创建配置文件: touch /etc/wireguard/wg0....
PrivateKey = WOOObkWINkW/hqaAME9r+xxxxxxxxxm+r2Q= Address = ListenPort = 5418 [Peer] PublicKey = 0ay8WfGOIHndWklSIVBqrsp5LDWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxQ= EndPoint = 42.xxx.xx.16:5418 AllowedIPs = [Peer] PublicKey = 3izpVbZgPhlM+S5szOogTDTxxxxxxxxxuKuDGn4= EndPoint...
wg genkey|tee peer12.privatekey|wg pubkey>peer12.publickey# wg pool server wg0 pub ip: a.b.c.d:5678# peer11 wg0 peer12 wg0 peer0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf[Interface]Address=<peer0-private...
Generate a public key from a private key: wg pubkey < path/to/private_key > path/to/public_keyGenerate a public and private key: wg genkey | tee path/to/private_key | wg pubkey > path/to/public_key Show the current configuration of a wireguard interface: sudo wg showconf wg0 ...
Generate Private And Publick Keys to be used by WGwg genkey | tee ./configs/client_private_key | wg pubkey | tee ./configs/client_public_key wg genkey | tee ./configs/server_private_key | wg pubkey | tee ./configs/server_public_keyCheck...
wg genkey | tee sprivatekey | wg pubkey > spublickey wg genkey | tee cprivatekey | wg pubkey > cpublickey # 生成服务端配置文件 cat <<EOF >wg0.conf [Interface] PrivateKey = $(cat sprivatekey) Address = PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -...
or execute permissions for#groups or others.umask077#Generate the private key.#Save the private key to wghub.key.#Use the private key to generate the public key.#Save the public key to wghub.pub.wg genkey|tee wghub.key|wg pubkey>wghub.pub#Create a wireguard configcp wg.conf.tmpl wg...
After installing Wireguard, you can generate a private & public key using: $ mkdir -p /etc/wireguard $ wg genkey|tee /etc/wireguard/privatekey|wg pubkey>/etc/wireguard/publickey This will create two files, namedprivatekeyandpublickeyrespectively. ...