theregulationsareformulatedinaccordancewiththerelevant lawsandregulations,andinlightoftheactualsituationof Sichuanprovince. Articlesecondshallabidebytheseregulationsinthe protection,utilizationandmanagementofwetlandswithinthe administrativeareaofthisprovince. ThethirdwetlandreferredtointhisOrdinancereferstothe ...
Wetlands (Laws, regulations and rulesState government (Powers and dutiesFocuses on a study which described the history of laws and public policies governing wetlands in the United States (U.S.) and how the laws and policies affected the Supreme Court's decision in the case Solid Waste Agency ...
Some of the laws and regulations with notable impact on wetland conservation are: 对湿地保护影响显著的一些法律法规包括: Migratory Bird Conservation Act, ch. 257, 45Stat.1222, (1929) 迁徙鸟类保护法,章 257,45 Stat. 1222,(1929) Established a commission to approve the acquisition of migratory bir...
coastal wetlands, which includetidal marshes,mangrove forestsandtidal flats, support the well-being of millions of people1. In addition to forming nursery habitats for numerous juvenile fishes and exporting organic matter to subsidize offshore waters2(Fig.1), coastal wetlands also support biodiversity ...
Coastal wetland conservation efforts include establishing laws and regulations to reduce anthropogenic threats, setting up protected areas, restoring the physical conditions of the degraded habitat, and rewilding populations of threatened flora and fauna. These efforts date back to the 1950s and have incr...
From the temperate to tropical zones, from coastal to inland areas, and from plains to plateaus and mountainous areas, wetlands in China are shielded under a system for wetland protection and restoration that incorporates laws and regulations, investigation and monitoring systems. ...
believes that in order to build a modern harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, wetland work must adapt to the requirements of the situation, adjust work ideas and focus, improve supporting laws and regulations, enhance supervision and management capabilities, scientifically restore important ...
From then on, Wuhan has formulated a series of local laws and regulations closely related to wetland protection, including lake protection, water protection, and basic ecological control line management 武汉还在全国首创了湿地生态补偿制度,市、区财政每年安排专项资金,对湿地自然保护区的核心区、缓冲区、实...
this paper reviews the legislation approaches that have been taken on wetland protection and the main organizations which are responsible for the wetland management.Regulations and laws enacted by Chinese government provide the guarantee of wetland conservation,while many efforts on wetland conservation ...
the public participation was lack.This paper advanced suggestions and countermeasures as follow: we may actively and steadily force the legislation of wetland law;we may make the implemental regulations of wetland nature reserve.We may set down the place laws according by "one area by one way",...